Most of my life I’ve been into techie stuff. I simply love new technology and the wonders they bring. Today it seems that there’s a new thing that has come about. Technology is advancing ever faster. I remember when the first calculators came out. Prior to that I was using a slide rule or abacus (which I still have). Then the first computer for homes came into existence. I was excited. My first computer I ever used was an IBM 360 mainframe (not a home computer).
During those days I also engaged in life more. I never let technology control me. I learned early on through my martial arts training that tools and such should be an extension of our body. And our body is simply an extension of our mind. Hence, the physical actions we take and the tools we use should simply be adapted to how we think.
I also saw back in my younger days the machines that would be used to train a person’s body. When Nautilus came out with their multi use stationary gyms, I did use the first one shown to me. I noticed that I had to adapt my body to the machine and not the other way around. Machine weights tend to create muscle imbalances and the movement was not natural.
So is it with other forms of technology, we humans have had to adapt who we are them. Technology was supposed to make things easier for us as humans. It should have been an extension, not an adaptation.
All is not lost. Sure, we have a plethora of technology. There’s not much that we can do. It’s going to stay with us. Period! As a geek, I love it and as a human, I have a love-hate relationship with a lot of technology.
What you can and should be doing with technology is to go back to simplicity of it. Ask yourself, “Why am I using it?” “What use is it in my life?” “How will technology serve me in a more useful and effective way?” There are many more questions and I’m only bringing in those cursory ones.
Here’s the thing, don’t get locked into technology for technology’s sake. In internet marketing I see many marketers going for the next and greatest piece of technology. It’s the “shiny object syndrome” in play. I’ve made the mistake myself. Only if you can beat what you are currently doing should technology come into play. If you can truly improve your level of fitness using technology, then do it. If it beats some old-fashioned way of working, then do it. Otherwise, dump it or don’t get into it.
I could see how useful an Amazon Kindle device is for when I’m traveling. I can’t carry around a lot of books. For me though, it’s much better with a regular book. I can take notes on the empty spaces in each page. I also love the feel of the book. I will use the Kindle on trips.
The Apple iPad (and iPhone 5) is great as a video studio. It has a great front and rear camera. Plus, I can use the iMovie app to edit videos that I’ve shot. This helps eliminate the carrying of too much equipment. Still, if I’m driving to do a shoot or in my office, then my more advanced stuff works better.
In all cases, I’ve learned to use technology to make my life more effective as a human. Standing desks in another thing I’m looking into. Preferably one that has a treadmill. This is technology that is useful for me. I also love the idea of using technology to improve the lives of humans and even animals. Prosthetics have advanced quite a bit and soon we’ll have parts that will enable those that lost limbs to function as they always have. Think of the series, The Six Million Dollar Man. Today’s technology is making that happen and at a lower cost.
One thing I absolutely don’t want to see and it’s already happening, the rewiring of our brains. There is less in-person connection versus online. Many people have lost the ability to read people and communicate effectively. I wonder if we were to all of a sudden lose our modern technology, what would happen? I guess I’d have to brush off my past skills and start teaching them to a new generation. Hey, I can darn socks and sew. Give me a pattern and I can put together a shirt. Canning and scratch cooking I’ve done too.
Yet, I’m still a geek. I build websites and can code in various programming languages. I love to watch Star Trek too. And I’m already looking at some of the newest technology. Amazon’s new 3-D smart phone? I’ll take a look that. Still, will it help me to do what I do better or is it simply a geeky device that I’ll have to adapt to? I’ll make that judgement myself.
Now, think about the questions earlier and start making technology adapt to you. Be a human again and embrace it fully.
Bob Choat, “Transformational Master Black Belt”
America’s #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert and author of Mind Your Own Fitness